
The Biggest Losers

Ok friends, I've been juggling back and forth as to whether or not I should post this, but I need some help. What I'm about to share is very personal, but I think the only people who care about or even read this blog are close friends and family, so I trust you not to be judgemental :)

Back in November, my dad challenged us to become healthier. Between my post-baby weight and being overweight to begin with, my challenge was to lose 45 pounds. Ross experienced some 'sympathetic weight gain' while I was pregnant, and he gained weight during the summer because he was always on the road, so his goal was to lose 47 pounds. My dad provided us with Nutrisystem food, and we have from November 15th until March 13th to not only lose the weight, but to also do a 10K in less than 60 minutes and do a set number of situps and pushups without stopping. I've lost about 27 pounds so far, and Ross is down 32 pounds. We feel great and we're stronger than we have been in a long time, but we're down to the wire. We've actually stopped the Nutrisystem diet because of the higher fat content of the food, and we're cooking our own food. I'm trying to keep my calories below 1400 a day and my fat to 15 grams a day. Luckily, the trainer I'm working with (or rather, the trainer who's killing me 3 times a week) at World Gym introduced me to livestrong.com, and I LOVE this website. I can enter the foods I eat during the day, and it helps to calculate my daily calories, fat, protein, sodium, sugars, etc. It also calculates the calories burned during the day with different exercises. I can burn 340 calories a day just by lugging around my chunk of a baby boy! Anyway, this is where I need your help. Ross and I need ideas for high protein, low fat/low calorie meals and snacks. There's this great place in Idaho Falls called Winco, and we had an entire cart full of tons of fresh produce, whole wheat goodness, chicken breasts, tilapia fillets, and anything else we could get our hands on that was healthy and yummy. Oh yeah, and we got it all for $180:) I don't know what I'll do without Winco! Well friends, this is me BEGGING you to share your recipes. PLEASE. We need ideas! We are in love with our George Foreman grill... all we do is slap on a frozen chicken breast or tilapia fillet with a couple spices and BAM! Healthy, delicious goodness! But seriously, I can be a little more creative than that. Please friends. PLEASE. Our prize for losing the weight and hitting our goals is also very personal, but I will tell you that it will change our lives. We are already making better choices, and we would love for you to help us out by sharing your healthy recipes. We are so grateful for those of you who've supported us in this endeavor. We're working hard to obtain these goals, and I PROMISE to post pictures when we get there! We're gonna look awesome!

Thanks friends.



Daddy Post

I have heard that some people have had trouble looking at the video below. If you go on my Facebook page you can see it in better quality.

follow this link
