

Alright, so I know my last post talked about feeling okay as long as I wasn't hungry, but that was last week.  Today is my 8-week mark, and lemme tell ya... I'm feeling it. I don't have morning sickness, but rather an all-day-off-and-on sickness.  I've been feeling kinda lousy at certain points the last few days, but today is by far the worst.  I woke up at 6:45 this morning, which was unnatural because we went to bed late last night, and I was already sick to my stomach.  The only thing that sounded remotely appetizing to me at the time was fruit, so I figured I'd try eating a little bit to see if that helped.  My mom keeps pre-packaged grapefruit cups in the fridge (we're at my parent's house in Utah for Thanksgiving), so I had one of those and did NOT feel better.  I waited a while before trying to eat again, and then had some eggs and herbal tea.  Then I went downstairs to lay down, and it wasn't until this point that I REALLY felt gross.  I haven't been throwing up at all, but I've just felt soooo sick to my stomach and my whole body feels crummy.   Ross and dad went to the ranch early this morning (part of the reason I was up so early), so he's not here to witness my first day of being a typical pregnant woman:)  I finally called my sister Maddy to ask what she did, since she got sick right around this same time during her pregnancy with Britton.  I guess the answer is just to keep little bits of food in my stomach at all times to keep it from getting worse... even though eating is the LAST thing I want to do right now.  So here's my plea... to all of you moms or soon-to-be moms out there, WHAT DO I DO to keep from being so sick???  And if there's nothing I can do, is there anything that'll help?  Please share!



Andrea said...

I like your picture at the top! Cute!

And... I was sick from about week 7- week 20ish really bad and nothing worked. Oh man, it was horrible. I'm sorry!! I hope you get over it quickly. I didn't find much helped but you do have to keep eating. The longer you wait to eat the worse it gets. Fruit was the best for me too so I had lots of smoothies (Jamba Juice was the best cause I'd add protein powder and feel like that was at least kind of healthy), and yogurts. Ugh- I really hope it doesn't last long. Good luck!!

Jenny Ramsey said...

sorry to say my dear but usually there is not much of anything you can do. if it gets bad there are some things that the dr. can give you to help keep food down. otherwise, try not to move around too much or too fast, make sure you carry your "barf bag" with you wherever you go and force yourself to eat. also, staying cool helped me. i always kept an ice pack and a fan right next to me for when it got really bad. oh and repeat to yourself constantly..."this will not last forever!" hang in there girl!

Brooks said...

Goodness-- well, first off, congrats on baby #1!

I hear ya on the being sick and all. I have been that way with all of my pregnancies, too. UNISOM. I know that it sounds weird, but you may take 1/2 a Unisom tablet (not the gel...) twice a day. I take one in the morning as soon as I wake up, and one about 15 minutes before dinner. My first OBGYN recommended it to me (Dr. Crouch in Rexburg, part of the Madison Women's Health Clinic...) and it has been a lifesaver. Makes you a little sleepy, as you can imagine, but it's totally safe, even in the early "don't take anything" stages of pregnancy. After a while, the sleepy side effect goes away, too.

Good luck, I hope this helps!

P.S. Baby Gailey #3 is due May 17th, 2009. In case you didn't know...

Steph said...

Oh Friend! I have been there! (last trimester) Ok so basically eating is the LAST thing I wanted to do but I found that keeping the little bits in your stomach at all times helps. And that eating a lot (aka normal amount) at a one time made me sick. So I kept granola bars (they are easy and quick to eat). Also protein helped minimize the sickness. Cheese and crackers. And I layed off of really sugary things (like sugary fruit juices)because they can make your blood sugar fluctuate and that will make you feel worse! Also, I kept a box of crackers or pretzels by my bed and as soon as I woke up in the morning I ate a few and then just lay there and waited for it to run through my system. (like 10-15 minutes) At first I felt silly doing this but when I didn't do it and I just got up like normal I had horrible sick days. I lost 10lbs during the first trimester, but don't worry it's all back and more! The second trimester is the best! You will love it when you feel somewhat "normal" again. I am moving into my third trimester in a couple weeks so it's pretty fun! Good luck! You'll make it! I believe in you!

Oh and Ross, just love her and tell her you are so proud of her and grateful that she is carrying your baby. And if she has a random craving, run out at 10pm at night and spend $5 on Jamba juice for her. And if she takes one sip and says "Ew, that tastes funny!" Just love her anyway. That's what good husbands do!

Angela said...

Oh I am sorry that you are feeling so crummy. just remeber that it is all worth it in the end...and once you feel your little baby move...happiness.
The Unisom thing worked okay for me, but I get super duper sick. It has worked great for a lot of moms though so try that for sure! With my first Frosty's from Wendy's where my saving grace. My dr told me that it was more important to stay hydrated then to eat solids during the first trimester he also had me lay off the prenatals until the 2nd trimester since they can make you feel icky. Also they have a pill that helps with nasaue it is a Rx that you get from your dr but it is great...there are two kinds the cheap one and the pricy one...the pricy one is better.
Bananas. and Avoid spices and go for the bland foods. Make sure that great hubby of yours rubs your feet. There is nothing more important that a husband who knows how to take care of his pregnant wife.
Good luck...and just think in a little while you will feel the baby and get to wear funny pants the the cutest clothes in the world!

Melissa said...

I'm so sorry you're sick. I'm actually just barely starting to feel a little bit better and I'm 15 1/2 weeks. My sister gets really sick and is sick the whole 40 weeks. She told me of a little trick that works great for us both. I always carry a bottle of water with me that has a little bit of lemon juice in it. The lemon juice helps to balance out the acidity in your stomache. I just sip on it all day and first thing when I wake up. Don't drink too much at one time, just a little sip here and there. Hope it helps! Good luck!

Melissa Nielsen said...

I would give the same advise as your sister. Just always keep something in your stomach. I never really threw up either but would just be nauseous (sp?) all day. But I always felt a little better with something in my stomach. I also kept food by the bed for in the middle of the night. And I liked string cheese and pretzles the best(not together though), or crackers cheese and pickles.

Melinda said...

Congratulations on both house and baby!! I was just blog-surfing and found you from another friend's page. Cool! Good luck figuring out pregnancy...it's a doozy! Come 'visit' me soon!

{B}dreamy said...

With Will, it was water. With this pregnancy, it's coke. I'm not sure why... anyway, just eat anything that sounds good (don't let yourself get to the starving point)! And if you can, try to keep yourself busy, if not physically then mentally. That's the best and only advice I have. Oh, and just tell yourself that it's ALL worth it -- from the yuckies to the stretch marks to the painful engorgement (and letdown) and the sleep deprivation... I promise, it's worth it :)

Good luck and hang in there! *B